Friday 1 June 2007

Day 5 31st May Sainshand to Ulaan Bataar

Hi All
Driving from Saidshand camp site to Ulan Baatar. Non competitive run, instead of 2 timed sections. I drove 12kms from our camp site to the Main Time Control of the day. I achieved my goal of driving in the Gobi Desert today.
It was a great challenge for me. I found it tough going but as Pamela said she would not have got in the passenger seat if she didnt think I could do it.
Every bump and knock you think there will be something wrong with the car.
I was very slow, but I had driven a little and I didnt get stuck in the soft sand.
We started at 9.55am and nothing today would be timed.
We saw some amazing views. and as we came near to Ulaan Baatar the grass got greener and we saw trees for the first time in ages.
Today was a test for the fuel tank... We have a 20 Gallon tank in our boot which was made by Concept Racing in Hereford.
He has done a very good job, as lots of people are having problems. The really test was did we have enough fuel to get to the designated re fuelling station, yes. We stopped to ask if car 11 was ok. He needed more Gasoline. Unfortunately I hadn't filled the 10 litre can, so couldn't help.
We are very conscious of our weight and will only fill this when we have our longest day driving without a fuel station for 375 miles.
So after 300km of gravel tracks, which were better than Day 4, we had 100 kms of Tarmmac driving and the route book read something like .... Level crossing 46 kms, level croosing 121 kms
In Ulann Baatar they drive slightly better than in Beijing, but still dont really know how to use roundabouts.
We washed our hands and faces and went straight for dinner. Again lovely, a little more english and my smoach is liking that.
I've recovered, but I hear others have not, so quickly.
Sat down to dinner with Liz & Simon from Devon, Car 113, 1965 - Citroen 2CV6 and Mick and Andrew from Brisbane, OZ in Car 115, 1958 - Holden FC.
Hotel for Day 5 & Day 6 nights.
Love Nicola

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